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The variables in this group each represent one of the major activity categories in the ATUS activity coding lexicon. Travel time comprises its own category in contrast to the BLS published activity variable groups offered below.
Activity coding structure | ||
Create Copy | Name | Label |
Load | ACT_PCARE | ACT: Personal care |
Load | ACT_HHACT | ACT: Household activities |
Load | ACT_CAREHH | ACT: Caring for and helping household members |
Load | ACT_CARENHH | ACT: Caring for and helping non-household members |
Load | ACT_WORK | ACT: Working and Work-related Activities |
Load | ACT_EDUC | ACT: Educational activities |
Load | ACT_PURCH | ACT: Consumer purchases |
Load | ACT_PROFSERV | ACT: Professional and personal care services |
Load | ACT_HHSERV | ACT: Household services |
Load | ACT_GOVSERV | ACT: Government services and civic obligations |
Load | ACT_FOOD | ACT: Eat and drinking |
Load | ACT_SOCIAL | ACT: Socializing, relaxing, and leisure |
Load | ACT_SPORTS | ACT: Sports, exercise, and recreation |
Load | ACT_RELIG | ACT: Religious and spiritual activities |
Load | ACT_VOL | ACT: Volunteer activities |
Load | ACT_PHONE | ACT: Telephone calls |
Load | ACT_TRAVEL | ACT: Traveling |
The activity groupings the BLS uses in its published tables are different from the major categories in the activity hierarchy. The primary difference is that the published tables combine a major category and its related travel time together. Exceptions are "Purchasing goods and services", "Organizational, civic, and religious activities", "Leisure and sports", and "Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail." This table provides more details.
Researchers should note that despite similarity in naming convention, BLS time use variables do not necessarily nest neatly. For example, the sum of BLS_PCARE_SLEEP, BLS_PCARE_GROOM, BLS_PCARE_HEALTH, BLS_PCARE_ACT, and BLS_PCARE_TRAVEL is not equivalent to BLS_PCARE. BLS_PCARE includes Personal Care Emergencies (ACTIVITY=0105xx) which is not available as a detailed BLS time use variable.
BLS published tables | ||
Create Copy | Name | Label |
Load | BLS_PCARE | BLS: Personal care |
Load | BLS_PCARE_SLEEP | BLS: Personal care: Sleeping |
Load | BLS_PCARE_GROOM | BLS: Personal care: Grooming |
Load | BLS_PCARE_HEALTH | BLS: Personal care: Health-related self care |
Load | BLS_PCARE_ACT | BLS: Personal care: Personal activities |
Load | BLS_PCARE_TRAVEL | BLS: Personal care: Travel related to personal care |
Load | BLS_FOOD | BLS: Eat and drinking |
Load | BLS_FOOD_FOOD | BLS: Eat and drinking: Eating and drinking |
Load | BLS_FOOD_TRAVEL | BLS: Eating and drinking: Travel related to eating and drinking |
Load | BLS_HHACT | BLS: Household activities |
Load | BLS_HHACT_HWORK | BLS: Household activities: Housework |
Load | BLS_HHACT_FOOD | BLS: Household activities: Food preparation and cleanup |
Load | BLS_HHACT_LAWN | BLS: Household activities: Lawn and garden care |
Load | BLS_HHACT_HHMGMT | BLS: Household activities: Household management |
Load | BLS_HHACT_INTER | BLS: Household activities: Interior maintenance, repair, and decoration |
Load | BLS_HHACT_EXTER | BLS: Household activities: Exterior maintenance, repair, and decoration |
Load | BLS_HHACT_PET | BLS: Household activities: Animals and pets |
Load | BLS_HHACT_VEHIC | BLS: Household activities: Vehicles |
Load | BLS_HHACT_TOOL | BLS: Household activities: Appliances, tools, and toys |
Load | BLS_HHACT_TRAVEL | BLS: Household activities: Travel related to household activities |
Load | BLS_PURCH | BLS: Purchasing goods and services |
Load | BLS_PURCH_CONS | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Consumer goods purchases |
Load | BLS_PURCH_GROC | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Grocery shopping |
Load | BLS_PURCH_PROF | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Professional and personal care services |
Load | BLS_PURCH_BANK | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Financial services and banking |
Load | BLS_PURCH_HEALTH | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Medical and care services |
Load | BLS_PURCH_PCARE | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Personal care services |
Load | BLS_PURCH_HHSERV | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Household services |
Load | BLS_PURCH_HOME | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Home maintenance, repair, decoration, and construction (not done by self) |
Load | BLS_PURCH_VEHIC | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Vehicle maintenance and repair services (not done by self) |
Load | BLS_PURCH_GOV | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Government services |
Load | BLS_PURCH_TRAVEL | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Travel related to purchasing goods and services |
Load | BLS_CAREHH | BLS: Caring for and helping household members |
Load | BLS_CAREHH_KID | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Caring for and helping household children |
Load | BLS_CAREHH_KIDOTHER | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Caring for and helping household children (except activities related to education and health) |
Load | BLS_CAREHH_KIDEDUC | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Activities related to household children's education |
Load | BLS_CAREHH_KIDHEALTH | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Activities related to household children's health |
Load | BLS_CAREHH_ADULT | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Caring for and helping household adults |
Load | BLS_CAREHH_TRAVEL | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Travel related to caring for and helping household members |
Load | BLS_CARENHH | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members |
Load | BLS_CARENHH_KID | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Caring for and helping non-household children |
Load | BLS_CARENHH_ADULT | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Caring for and helping non-household adults |
Load | BLS_CARENHH_ADULTCARE | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Caring for non-household adults |
Load | BLS_CARENHH_ADULTHELP | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Helping non-household adults |
Load | BLS_CARENHH_TRAVEL | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Travel related to caring for and helping non-household members |
Load | BLS_WORK | BLS: Working and work-related activities |
Load | BLS_WORK_WORKING | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Working |
Load | BLS_WORK_WORKREL | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Work-related activities |
Load | BLS_WORK_OTHER | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Other income-generating activities |
Load | BLS_WORK_SEARCH | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Job search and interviewing |
Load | BLS_WORK_TRAVEL | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Travel related to work |
Load | BLS_EDUC | BLS: Educational activities |
Load | BLS_EDUC_CLASS | BLS: Educational activities: Attending class |
Load | BLS_EDUC_HWORK | BLS: Educational activities: Homework and research |
Load | BLS_EDUC_TRAVEL | BLS: Educational activities: Travel related to education |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_RELIG | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Religious and spiritual activities |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_VOL | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Volunteering (organizational and civic activities) |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_VOLACT | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Volunteer activities |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_ADMIN | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Administrative and support activities |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_SOCSERV | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Social service and care activities (except medical) |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_MAINTEN | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Indoor and outdoor maintenance, building, and cleanup activities |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_CULTURE | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Participating in performance and cultural activities |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_ATTEND | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Attending meetings, conferences, and training |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_CIVIC | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Civic obligations and participation |
Load | BLS_SOCIAL_TRAVEL | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Travel related to organizational, civic, and religious activities |
Load | BLS_LEIS | BLS: Leisure and sports |
Load | BLS_LEIS_SOC | BLS: Leisure and sports: Socializing, relaxing, and leisure |
Load | BLS_LEIS_SOCCOM | BLS: Leisure and sports: Socializing and communicating |
Load | BLS_LEIS_SOCCOMEX | BLS: Leisure and sports: Socializing and communicating (except social events) |
Load | BLS_LEIS_ATTEND | BLS: Leisure and sports: Attending or hosting social events |
Load | BLS_LEIS_SPORT | BLS: Leisure and sports: Sports, exercise, and recreation |
Load | BLS_COMM | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail |
Load | BLS_COMM_TELE | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Telephone calls (to or from) |
Load | BLS_COMM_MSG | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Household and personal messages |
Load | BLS_COMM_MSGMAIL | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Household and personal mail and messages |
Load | BLS_COMM_MSGEMAIL | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Household and personal e-mail and messages |
Load | BLS_COMM_TRAVEL | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Travel related to telephone calls |
Load | BLS_OTHER | BLS: Other activities not elsewhere classified |
Load | BLS_LEIS_RELAX | BLS: Leisure and sports: Relaxing and leisure |
Load | BLS_LEIS_TV | BLS: Leisure and sports: Watching TV |
Load | BLS_LEIS_ARTS | BLS: Leisure and sports: Arts and entertainment (other than sports) |
Load | BLS_LEIS_PARTSPORT | BLS: Leisure and sports: Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation |
Load | BLS_LEIS_ATTSPORT | BLS: Leisure and sports: Attending sporting or recreational events |
Load | BLS_LEIS_TRAVEL | BLS: Leisure and sports: Travel related to leisure and sports |
The variables in this group are based on the USDA Economic Research Service's definitions of primary eating and drinking and associated activities. In contrast to the Activity coding scheme, primary eating based on the ERS definition includes work-related eating and drinking. In contrast to the BLS published tables coding scheme, travel related to eating and drinking is combined with waiting associated with eating and drinking rather than subsumed in primary eating and drinking.
ERS eating and drinking | ||
Create Copy | Name | Label |
Load | ERS_PRIM | ERS: Primary eating and drinking |
Load | ERS_ASSOC | ERS: Activities associated with primary eating and drinking (travel and waiting) |
