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Household income greater or less than 130% of poverty level (EHM)

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POVERTY130 reports whether the total household income before taxes was more or less than 130% of the poverty threshold.

POVERTY130 and POVERTY185 are the two questions relating to household income on the Eating and Health Module. Respondents are asked if their household income is greater or less than a given amount. For POVERTY130, this amount approximates 130% of the poverty threshold for a household the size of the respondent's household. This amount changes depending on when the interview was conducted because poverty thresholds are revised annually by the U.S. Census Bureau. See POVERTYLEVEL for an indicator of which fiscal year poverty thresholds were used and what those thresholds were.

POVERTY130 was collected during Eating and Health Module of the ATUS interview. Analyses that include POVERTY130 should use EHWT as the weight.


This variable is comparable across years.


  • Eating and Health module respondent households.


  • 2006-2008, 2014-2016


This variable has no flags.