UHRSWORK2_CPS8 is a three-digit numeric variable reported in hours.
995 = Hours Vary
999 = NIU (Not in Universe)
UHRSWORK2_CPS8 reports the number of hours the respondent usually works per week at his/her other (second) job.
Information on usual hours worked was also collected for the respondent's main job (UHRSWORK1_CPS8) and for all jobs combined (UHRSWORKT_CPS8).
Information on actual hours worked last week was also collected for the respondent's main job (HRSWORK1_CPS8), other job (HRSWORK2_CPS8), and all jobs combined (HRSWORKT_CPS8).
UHRSWORK2_CPS8 was drawn from the final CPS interview, conducted 2-5 months before the ATUS interview. Information on usual hours worked was also collected at the time of the ATUS interview. See UHRSWORK1, UHRSWORK2, and UHRSWORKT.
- Employed CPS household members with multiple jobs.
- 2003-2023