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Average number of days usually worked per week


WRKDAYSAVG is a 4-digit numeric variable reporting the average number of days per week that the respondent usually works.

1.00 - 1 day

1.50 - 1.5 days

2.00 - 2 days

2.50 - 2.5 days

3.00 - 3 days

3.50 - 3.5 days

4.00 - 4 days

4.50 - 4.5 days

4.70 - 4.7 days

5.00 - 5 days

5.50 - 5.5 days

6.00 - 6 days

6.50 - 6.5 days

7.00 - 7 days
99.9 - NIU (Not in universe)


WRKDAYSAVG reports the average number of days per week that the respondent works. The survey question associated with this variable allowed for multiple responses. WRKDAYSAVG takes the average of each response the respondent reported concerning the number of days of the week that they reported usually working.

WRKDAYSAVG was gathered as part of the Leave Module of the ATUS interview. Analyses that include WRKDAYSAVG should use LVWT as the weight.


This variable is comparable across years when available.


  • All wage and salary workers, excluding all self-employed


  • 2017-2018
