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Person number of second father (from programming)


00 = No second father of this person in the household.


POPLOC2 is a constructed variable that indicates whether the person has two fathers who live in the same household and, if so, gives the person number of the second father (PERNUM). This variable is only non-zero when the parents identified for a child are both men. The method by which probable child-father links are identified is described in POP2RULE.

POPLOC2 makes it easy for researchers to link the characteristics of children and their (probable) fathers.

If the person identified with POPLOC2 has a spouse or partner identified through SPLOC, the spouse or partner will also be identified as a parent through POPLOC. POPRULE will communicate the method through which those relationships are identified.


This variable is comparable from 2003 onward.

Comparability with IPUMS-USA

The development of new family interrelationship variables was prompted by the desire to have more comparability between different IPUMS projects and over time. The family interrelationship variables use common logic across ATUS-X, IPUMS CPS, IHIS, and USA (modern years). Each project has different allowed links because of different level of detail in each project, but the logic of assigning parents in ambiguous situations is the same.


  • ATUS respondent household members.


  • 2003-2023


This variable has no flags.