2019 Time Use Data for Sociological Research Workshop

DATE: Tuesday, August 13th, 8:30am - 10:10pm

LOCATION: Murray Hill West (conference room), Hilton Midtown, New York City

COST: Free for ASA registrants. No advance registration required.

Our workshop goal is to promote awareness of and expertise in the IPUMS Time Use data archive: the American Time Use Survey (ATUS-X), the American Heritage Time Use Study (AHTUS-X), and the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS-X). This archive makes large U.S. and international databases with detailed data on time use more easily accessible to researchers.

By combining data over time and across countries and enriching information available across household members, IPUMS data facilitates research on how time use influences the health of families and individuals, how household health behaviors respond to changing conditions, and how health and well-being differ across cultural and policy settings.

In this workshop, attendees will:

