Working Papers
- Genadek. The Impact of Divorce Legislation on Daily Time Allocation
- Gracia and Garcia. Parental work schedules and children's daily activities: evidence from Spain
- Ajenjo and Garcia Roman.Gender inequality in the life course. The effect of parenthood in the division of unpaid work
Garcia Roman, Flood, and Genadek. Parents' time with a partner in cross-national context: A comparison of the United States, Spain, and France. [paper] Chesley and Flood. Comparisons of At-Home and Breadwinner Parents' Time Use: What matters most, gender or jobs? [paper]
Genadek, Flood and Garcia Roman. Trends in Spouses' Shared Time in the United States, 1965-2012. [paper] Flood, Genadek and Hill. Daily Temporal Pathways: A Latent Class Approach to Time Diary Data. [paper] Lee, Hofferth, Flood, and Fisher. Reliability, Validity, and Variability of the Subjective Well-Being Questions in the 2010 American Time Use Survey. [paper] Musick, Meier, and Flood. Mother's Time with Children and Subjective Well-Being. [paper] Musick, Meier, Flood, and Dunifon. Well-Being Penalty for Employed Mothers? Parental Work Arrangements and Maternal Well-Being. [paper]
Flood and Genadek. Time for Each Other: Work and Family Constraints Among Couples. [paper] Flood and Moen. Healthy Time Use in the Encore Years. Do Work, Resources, Relations, and Gender Matter? [paper] Garcia Roman and Cortina. Family time of couples with children: shortening gender differences in parenting? [paper].
Ajenjo and Garcia Roman. La transmissió intergeneracional de rols de gènere en la llar (Intergenerational transmission of gender roles in the household). [paper] Ajenjo and Garcia Roman. Cambios en el uso del tiempo de las parejas. ¿Estamos en el camino hacia una mayor igualdad? (Changes in couples' time use. Are we moving toward greater equality?). [paper]
Moen and Flood. Limited Engagements? Women's and Men's Work/Volunteer Time in the Encore Life Course Stage. [paper] Garcia Roman. El tiempo con la familia en las parejas de doble ingreso. Un análisis a partir de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo 2009-2010 (Family time in dual-earner couples. An analysis from the Spanish Time Use Survey 2009-2010). [paper]
Papers and posters presented in conferences.