IPUMS Time Use in the News
July 23, 2021: "Some are signaling that they don’t really want to go back to life as it was in the office before the pandemic." -- Liana Sayer of the University of Maryland. AP News
July 21, 2021: "Big changes in behavior and leisure activities don't happen in short time periods unless there is a massive event, like the pandemic" -- Sarah Flood of the University of Minnesota. Star Tribune
Mother's Day 2019: "Women feel socially accountable for the appearance of the household" -- Sarah Flood of the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities. Population Reference Bureau
The way U.S. teens spend their time is changing, but differences between boys and girls persist. Pew Research: Fact Tank
Maryland Population Research Center Interview with Dan Hamermesh, Professor Emeritus at UT-Austin: Video Interview
More than one-in-ten U.S. parents are also caring for an adult. Pew Resaerch: Fact Tank
An Unequal Division of Labor: How Equitable Workplace Policies Would Benefit Working Mothers. Center for American Progress