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The variables in this group each represent one of the major activity categories in the ATUS activity coding lexicon. Travel time comprises its own category in contrast to the BLS published activity variable groups offered below.

Activity coding structure
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Name Label
ACT_PCARE ACT: Personal care
ACT_HHACT ACT: Household activities
ACT_CAREHH ACT: Caring for and helping household members
ACT_CARENHH ACT: Caring for and helping non-household members
ACT_WORK ACT: Working and Work-related Activities
ACT_EDUC ACT: Educational activities
ACT_PURCH ACT: Consumer purchases
ACT_PROFSERV ACT: Professional and personal care services
ACT_HHSERV ACT: Household services
ACT_GOVSERV ACT: Government services and civic obligations
ACT_FOOD ACT: Eat and drinking
ACT_SOCIAL ACT: Socializing, relaxing, and leisure
ACT_SPORTS ACT: Sports, exercise, and recreation
ACT_RELIG ACT: Religious and spiritual activities
ACT_VOL ACT: Volunteer activities
ACT_PHONE ACT: Telephone calls